OPTIONAL- If you expect them to be skeptical and make you do it again, then you can take a few shots of the other side before you start the app when you're setting up. Presto! The other side of the wall is revealed, making it look like your phone can see right through it. Let it sink in for a moment, maybe wait until they say something like "you can't be serious." Then hit the button, or you can even let them do it (but don't give them your phone and don't let them press the preconfigure buttons). Make a show of finding the right "spot" for extra points.ģ- Make sure they can see the wall picture you took, and then show them the "See Through Wall" button. Take a picture of the wall as close to where you were on the other side as possible. Have them look over your shoulder as you hit the "Scan Wall" button. Try to match it up with where you took the shot before as best as you can, but it doesn't have to be perfect. Go around to the other side of the wall from where you took the shot in Step 1. Take note of exactly where you took the shot.Ģ-Go find a friend and tell them you want to show them something cool on your phone. Make sure there are no people in the shot and then take it, holding the camera level.

Hold the camera as close to the wall as you can, but looking out on the room. It will activate the camera on your phone. It takes just a quick moment or two of setup before you bring anyone else in though.ġ-BEFORE you show this to anyone else, make sure you're alone on the other side of the wall you want to "see" through." Hit the Preconfigure 1 button. You can make it seem like your phone can see through walls. I know I'll probably get people complaining about this anyway, but if you see anyone like that in the comment who you know in real life, they would make a great person to use this trick app on. No you can't actually see through walls with it. ****READ BEFORE USING OR IT WON"T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!*** A trick app for "seeing through walls." Read full description or it won't work.