Instead, it must be included as a Small Business Pool asset so you will receive a 15% deduction in the first year and 30% deduction in the second year, as per usual. If your asset cost you more than $20,000, it can not be claimed as an immediate write off. What happens if an asset costs more than $20k? This does not mean that you will get $20,000 from the ATO, as some people seem to think, but if you have a yearly income of $100,000 and buy an asset for the value of $20,000 in the 2015-2016 financial year, you will now have a taxable income of $80,000. It means that if you purchase an asset for your business that is up to $20,000, you will be able to claim it as an immediate tax deduction in the year that you acquired it.

What does the $20k small business asset write off mean? See the ATO website for more information.